Arnulfo Mendoza

March 9, 2014

Arnulfo Mendoza
Arnul­fo Mendoza

Today is the day they are bury­ing Arnul­fo Men­doza in the ceme­tery in Teoti­t­lan del Valle, Oax­a­ca, Mex­i­co. I won’t be there, but I know many peo­ple will be there to pay their last respects to one of the most well- known and loved sons of the Zapotec vil­lage known for its many tal­ent­ed weavers. If he had been one of the old­er weavers, it would be sad, but Arnul­fo wasn’t one of them. He was only in his fifties and his prime of life. A tal­ent­ed weaver who brought the art of fine weav­ing up to a com­plete­ly new lev­el and a painter who cre­at­ed his own unique form of art, Arnul­fo was known way beyond the bound­aries of Oax­a­ca, Mex­i­co. It was shock­ing to hear of his pass­ing and he’ll be great­ly mourned by his fam­i­ly, his son, his moth­er, his many sis­ters and broth­ers and their fam­i­lies as well as his many friends. His pass­ing also will be a loss to the impor­tant Mex­i­can art com­mu­ni­ty as well as to all of us who knew and loved him.

I first met Arnul­fo almost four decades ago when we were vis­it­ing with his father, mas­ter weaver don Emil­iano Men­doza. We vis­it­ed with their fam­i­ly often and our con­nec­tion with them is one that I’ve always trea­sured. Grad­u­al­ly, we acquired weav­ings from don Emil­iano and from Arnul­fo, includ­ing fine tapes­tries based on his own orig­i­nal paint­ings. We remained friends for many years. He and his wife at the time, Mary Jane Gag­nier, came to vis­it us at our home on Lagu­na Bacalar as well as in Taos, New Mex­i­co and some years ago, Starr Inte­ri­ors spon­sored an exhi­bi­tion of his work with Mary Jane doing one of her talks. It was a spe­cial occa­sion. We were also guests at their incred­i­ble wed­ding and there short­ly after the arrival of their baby son, Gabriel.

It is with great sad­ness that I write this, some­thing I could nev­er envi­sion doing. When we return to the vil­lage in ear­ly April, there will be no more vis­its with him, but he will cer­tain­ly live on in my mem­o­ry and in my heart as well as in those of my chil­dren, whose friend he was also…..we loved you, Arnulfo…….

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