Florentino Gutierrez, noted weaver of Zapotec handmade rugs, will be giving a weaving demonstration showing the traditional way of the centuries old Zapotec Indian weaving technique Saturday and Sunday, October 2nd and 3rd, 2010. Starr Interiors will be hosting this special event in their courtyard at 117–119 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, New Mexico two doors south of the historic Taos Inn.
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A Visit to Teotitlan
A Visit to Teotitlan
A Visit to Teotitlan by John Lamkin
Nearly 40 years ago, I bumped along the pot-holed highway south out of Oaxaca City, Mexico to get to the Zapotec Indian weaving village of Teotitlán del Valle, an enclave of dirt streets and meager houses–with earth floors, outdoor kitchens and outhouses. The only school had but three grades, and there was very little electricity. Continue reading