
Coasters, unseparated.
Coast­ers, unseparated.

These beau­ti­ful 100% wool coast­ers can be used indi­vid­u­al­ly for cof­fee, tea or cold drinks as a pro­tec­tion for your wood or glass sur­faces. They can be pur­chased in sets of six and can also remain attached, to be used as wall hang­ings for that spe­cial nar­row area.

As Christ­mas presents or house gifts, they are last­ing as well as non-break­able (our kids use them as doll house rugs). They are part of both the Folk­ways and the Line of the Spir­it™ collections.


Over the course of many years, cus­tomers have been buy­ing these cool coast­ers for them­selves as well as for beau­ti­ful gifts. They are not only com­plete­ly func­tion­al as con­ven­tion­al coast­ers but, used as a wall hang­ing, work very well in dec­o­rat­ing that nar­row space where noth­ing else will fit.

Com­plete­ly hand-loomed of 100% nat­ur­al wool, they are made exact­ly as all our oth­er rugs, wall hang­ings and pil­lows. There’s no com­pro­mise sim­ply because they’re woven on a small scale. Whether you want a sug­ges­tion of South­west­ern décor or sim­ply appre­ci­ate them for their pur­pose and design, they go far beyond con­ven­tion­al massed pro­duced coast­ers, pro­vid­ing the impor­tant hand­made look with the warmth of wool at an afford­able price.

Vir­tu­al­ly imper­vi­ous to stains, they will absorb what­ev­er mois­ture may be at the bot­tom of a glass or cup. If some­thing spills on them, it’s easy to imme­di­ate­ly wipe it up with a wet sponge.
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These coast­ers are made using fair trade type prac­tices where the weaver and the vil­lage both ben­e­fit from their sale. They are avail­able in three cat­e­gories. Min­i­mum orders are six in each cat­e­go­ry. Because they are hand­made, each coast­er will be some­what dif­fer­ent and designs will be assort­ed. The Line of the Spir­it™ coast­ers costs slight­ly more because they are part of our own design­er collection.


Jewel Tones
Jew­el Tones — An array of beau­ti­ful reds, yel­lows, green, blues and oth­er assort­ed jew­el tones will pro­vide a bright note on any table or wall.


Earth Tones — Includ­ing shades of browns, beiges and creams, accent­ed with oth­er assort­ed col­ors, these tones will pro­vide that feel­ing of warmth and more neutrality.


Line of the Spirit

Please contact us for wholesale orders.