Rug Care

Thank you for your pur­chase of an heir­loom qual­i­ty weav­ing from Starr Inte­ri­ors. We have been the home of both Line of the Spir­it and mas­ter Zapotec weavers col­lec­tions since 1974. This weav­ing will last for gen­er­a­tions when cared for properly.

Made of 100% nat­ur­al Chur­ro wool, all the lano­lin oils have been pre­served to pro­vide max­i­mum pro­tec­tion from dirt and stains. Dry clean­ing is not rec­om­mend­ed. Use Ori­en­tal rug clean­ing ser­vices when needed.

Rugs can be vac­u­umed (use suc­tion only) swept or shak­en outdoors.
Its buy via­gra no pre­scrip­tion con­ve­nient, prac­ti­cal, reli­able and cur­able. Mod­er­ate mas­tur­ba­tion has no effect on pre­ma­ture ejac­u­la­tion Clin­i­cal­ly, many patients suf­fer­ing from pre­ma­ture ejac­u­la­tion attribute phar­ma­cy cialis this to hand job. The uses for this lit­tle plant just go on and on, with a wide num­ber of viable options. via­gra pill for sale Pre­ferred buy via­gra in uk Sub­sti­tute The only med­ica­tion pre­ferred to via­gra; Kam­a­gra is pop­u­lar because it is known to be effec­tive in treat­ing erec­tion prob­lems. Spills should be attend­ed to imme­di­ate­ly, using a clean rag or sponge with cold water only. Use mild soap when need­ed, NO detergents.

WALL hang­ings should be checked at least twice a year for any trac­ings (gos­samer trails). If  any are noticed, it can be steamed on both sides, brushed and vac­u­umed. It can also be sprayed with moth repel­lent. (fol­low man­u­fac­tur­er instruc­tions). But in gen­er­al, just take it down and vac­u­um the piece on both sides and hang back up on reverse side.

We sin­cere­ly hope you enjoy many years of plea­sure and use from this fine weaving.1–800-748‑1756