As part of “Starr Interiors Features Taos Artists” the gallery presents: Art in Mica Clay with Taos Pueblo Potter Dawning Pollen Shorty

As part of
“Starr Inte­ri­ors Fea­tures Taos Artists”
the gallery presents:

Art in Mica Clay

Sculp­tures by Taos Pueblo Artist
Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty

at Starr Inte­ri­ors

2–4pm Sun­day, August 21st 2011
5:30 – 7:30 pm Sun­day, August 21st 2011

Dur­ing San­ta Fe Indi­an Market

Dawn­ing Pollen’s work has been exhib­it­ed in many shows and has con­sis­tent­ly received awards. She fol­lows in the tra­di­tion of a cre­ative fam­i­ly from the Taos Pueblo. Both her par­ents, pot­ter Bernadette Track and sculp­tor Robert Shorty, are well known artists. Oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers involved in the arts include her grand­moth­er Jeri, her great grand­moth­er Toni­ta, uncle John Sua­zo and great-uncle Ralph Sua­zo. This will be her first solo show.

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Dawning Pollen Shorty
Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty, Image by Shan­non B. Bitsoie

Artist State­ment:

I was born an artist, but did­n’t know until I became an adult. Work­ing with indige­nous clay from Moth­er Earth gives me a con­nec­tion with every­thing in the universe.

I feel it when I work with it. It is what keeps me hap­py, bal­anced, and connected.

My art is aes­thet­ic and I want to con­vey the beau­ty in the human form while at the same time show how beau­ti­ful mica clay is.

Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty, Taos/ Lakota/ Navajo

The work of Dawn­ing Pollen Shorty:
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