Remarkable Women Alcove Shows — KENDRA RISINGER Glass Art



Glass Work - Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors
Glass Work — Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors

Kendra was born in South Dako­ta she lat­er lived in Wyoming. She than moved to Min­neso­ta for high­er edu­ca­tion. She received her degree in Occu­pa­tion­al Ther­a­py from Saint Cather­ine Uni­ver­si­ty, and now works for the Penasco school district.

Kendra and her hus­band, Dean, have anoth­er one of those clas­sic Taos sto­ries of how they end­ed up here in 2006 and nev­er left…this one has to do with a dog…

It is one of the herbal pills to increase ejac­u­la­tion force in men. via­gra cana­da mas­ter­card Which One is bet­ter for Treat­ing ED? Although the tablet buy lev­i­t­ra where loved that and liq­uid ver­sion of Kam­a­gra offer the same cor­rec­tion as framed glass­es with lens­es. This med­i­cine should not be tak­en more than once a day and men tak­ing nitrate based drugs for heart prob­lems should nev­er take more than 1 tablet of via­gra cana­da ship­ping Our drug­store in a 24 hour peri­od, and should­n’t be tak­en with any oth­er med­ica­tion con­tain­ing nitrates Tak­ing recre­ation­al drugs Have heart or liv­er con­di­tions Have leukaemia Are aller­gic to any of the com­po­nents of herbal pills which make. This affects the sex­u­al pre­scrip­tion via­gra desires and lessens erec­tile poten­cy. Upon her arrival she was feel­ing very left out of the amaz­ing artis­tic scene sur­round­ing her, so she tried a few new medi­ums to work with. Try­ing her hand in pot­tery and pas­tels to sat­is­fy the love of shapes and col­ors, she had lit­tle suc­cess and no con­nec­tion with the medi­um. Still, with a very seri­ous dri­ve to cre­ate, she was look­ing for anoth­er out­let. The door opened when her hus­band sug­gest­ed that she try work­ing in glass and signed her up for an intro­duc­to­ry class at Taos Insti­tute of Glass arts (TIGA). Upon com­ple­tion of this basic class she was hooked, tak­ing class­es with Michael Miro and Diane Harris.

The medi­um was the right one. She felt she could “con­verse” with glass. The col­or palette avail­able to work with was amaz­ing and end­less and she found she could now work in the bright, live­ly col­ors that she was so deeply addict­ed to.

The type of tech­nique Kendra uses is called fused glass. It is done using var­i­ous lay­ers of sheet glass that is cut, assem­bled and than fused in a kiln. Once it is fused togeth­er, it is than fired again at a low­er tem­per­a­ture and slumped into its dec­o­ra­tive and some­times func­tion­al shape.

Glass Work - Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors
Glass Work — Kendra Risinger at Starr Interiors

Starr Inte­ri­ors is proud­ly host­ing Kendra Risinger’s beau­ti­ful and col­or­ful Glass Art Alcove Show as part of our spring and sum­mer 2012 exhibits cel­e­brat­ing The Remark­able Women of Taos.