MAY — Pre-Columbian Designs

Serpent and Jaguar by Isaac Vasquez
Ser­pent and Jaguar by Isaac Vasquez


Jaguar and Heart - Triumph of the Spiritual over the Mundane
Jaguar and Heart — Tri­umph of the Spir­i­tu­al over the Mundane


In cel­e­bra­tion of spring in Taos, New Mex­i­co, Starr Inte­ri­ors is fea­tur­ing Pre-Columbian images from one of its finest col­lec­tions of weav­ings. Start­ing back in the sev­en­ties, we acquired what has to be the most exten­sive col­lec­tion under one roof of the work of Isaac Vasquez, inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned Zapotec Indi­an Mas­ter Weaver.

This fea­ture piece of the Ser­pent and the Jaguar was done by him short­ly before he appeared at Starr Inte­ri­ors some years ago where we held an expo­si­tion of his work. It was and con­tin­ues to be an hon­or to show the work of this famed weaver. The pieces being shown this month encom­pass images from var­i­ous Zapotec codices includ­ing the Bor­gia, Dres­den and the Nut­tal codices. Their intri­ca­cy and detail go far beyond what most peo­ple asso­ciate with Zapotec weav­ings. These rep­re­sent an art form at its finest and we are delight­ed for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to present this show.

Dancing Jaguar
Danc­ing Jaguar

Meet­ing don Isaac so many years ago was the begin­ning of a long rela­tion­ship and we are extreme­ly proud to be able to rep­re­sent this out­stand­ing col­lec­tion that has spanned decades. Along with the late don Emil­iano Men­doza, these two men pro­duced some of the finest art weav­ings their vil­lage has ever known.

Pre-Colombian Maya Design
Pre-Colom­bian Maya Design

Includ­ed in this show are Vasquez, Men­doza and sev­er­al oth­er out­stand­ing Zapotec weavers.


We are now offer­ing for sale our muse­um qual­i­ty pri­vate col­lec­tion of these weav­ings. There are about fifty pieces in this col­lec­tion and we will sell them as a group or individually.

Accord­ing to Susan­na Starr, Starr Inte­ri­ors owner,

This amaz­ing col­lec­tion of some of the finest weav­ings to have ever been pro­duced in the Zapotec Indi­an vil­lage of Teoti­t­lan del Valle is now being offered for sale, either as a com­plete col­lec­tion or by the indi­vid­ual piece. They were pro­duced in the late nine­teen six­ties and ear­ly nine­teen sev­en­ties by three mas­ter weavings.

Emil­iano Men­doza, who passed away in 1990, wove some of the finest inter­pre­ta­tions of images from var­i­ous ancient codices, pri­mar­i­ly the Bor­gia codex. The com­plex­i­ty of each piece and the per­fec­tion of their exe­cu­tion reflects the pride and ded­i­ca­tion of this impor­tant weaver and out­stand­ing human being, hon­ored in his vil­lage as Mayordomo.
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His son, Arnul­fo, a mas­ter weaver in his own right, worked with his father to pro­duce what could be deemed the most valu­able piece ever to have come out of the vil­lage. Mea­sur­ing 9’4”x9’4”, this piece is done in ango­ra wool, in the finest detail pos­si­ble on a loom. It is the Rit­u­al Sequence from the Bor­gia Codex. His own weav­ings from the sev­en­ties are tak­en from his orig­i­nal paint­ings in his own dis­tinct style, but done with the same amaz­ing atten­tion to each detail.

Isaac Vasquez, anoth­er acknowl­edged mas­ter weaver is also rep­re­sent­ed in this col­lec­tion. Now in his eight­ies, he is not weav­ing much any more. His work, how­ev­er, appears in many col­lec­tions and has received recog­ni­tion for many decades both in the Unit­ed States and Mexico.

I start­ed col­lect­ing these weav­ings indi­vid­u­al­ly over a peri­od of about ten years dur­ing the nine­teen eight­ies know­ing, even at that time, that they would nev­er be done again. They were nev­er woven for the mass mar­ket but, rather, as an artis­tic expres­sion of the indi­vid­ual mas­ter weavers, being sold to col­lec­tors who could appre­ci­ate their intrin­sic value.

The many pieces of the Men­doza fam­i­ly were acquired grad­u­al­ly and I remem­ber vivid­ly pur­chas­ing the orig­i­nal images of Arnulfo’s paint­ings that he had giv­en to his father, don Emil­iano, who decid­ed to sell them to us under very emo­tion­al cir­cum­stances. He obvi­ous­ly was very proud of them and they were espe­cial­ly mean­ing­ful to him.

Now the time has come to divest myself of this amaz­ing col­lec­tion and, for the first time, offer them for sale as a com­plete col­lec­tion or on an indi­vid­ual basis. They are a trea­sure, as they tell the sto­ry of ancient cul­tures of the Amer­i­c­as before the arrival of the Span­ish. The codices that inspired these weav­ings are the only ones to have sur­vived the Span­ish con­quest, the oth­ers being burned. To have them inter­pret­ed in these amaz­ing tex­tiles has been a labor of love, prob­a­bly nev­er to be dupli­cat­ed indi­vid­u­al­ly and, def­i­nite­ly not, as a com­plete collection.

The Zapotec Indi­an cul­ture goes back many thou­sands of years. Many of the tem­ples that they built are still stand­ing, the most notable, Monte Alban in Oax­a­ca. They have pro­duced endur­ing work in met­al and stone, gold and sil­ver, and jade. These tapes­tries rep­re­sent a con­tin­u­a­tion of record­ed art in fiber.”

An exam­ple of this fine work was done by the late Emil­iano Men­doza and his son Arnul­fo. The piece, woven in alpaca wool, took a few years to complete.

Image from Borgia Codex 9'4" x 9'4" by Emiliano and Arnulfo Mendoza
Image from Bor­gia Codex 9′4″ x 9′4″ by Emil­iano and Arnul­fo Mendoza

You can con­tact us at for more information.

It’s spring here in Taos, New Mex­i­co and view­ing this out­stand­ing col­lec­tion would be an excel­lent excuse for a trip here.




Starr Interiors’ 37th Annual Half Price Sale and Rug Raffle

Raffle Rug for Jan drawing
Raf­fle Rug for Jan­u­ary 2012 draw­ing — pho­to: Leah Sobol

37th Annu­al Half-Price Sale
Hap­pen­ing Now!

At the end of each year, Starr Inte­ri­ors has offered its entire stock of beau­ti­ful, hand-loomed 100% wool weav­ings at incred­i­ble prices dur­ing its annu­al Half-Price Sale.

This year’s sale begins on Fri­day, Decem­ber 16th and con­tin­ues through Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 4th.

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The Line of the Spir­it™ is our sig­na­ture col­lec­tion, receiv­ing great acclaim for more than two decades as a viable, qual­i­ty alter­na­tive to fine ori­en­tal rugs. Both the depth and inten­si­ty of our hand-dyed col­ors as well as the range of designs, inspired from cul­tures all over the world, pro­vide a tru­ly excit­ing addi­tion to any décor. The integri­ty of the nat­ur­al wool fiber is sure to pro­vide endur­ing plea­sure and each piece is unique.

Raf­fle tick­ets will be sold dur­ing the sale for a 2–1/2′ x 5′ rug with all pro­ceeds going to the Dream Tree Project in Taos. Cost is $5 per tick­et or six tick­ets for $25. This is not only an oppor­tu­ni­ty to win a beau­ti­ful rug, but the per­fect time of the year to con­tribute to an impor­tant and wor­thy project that pro­vides help to young people.

Our atten­tive and expe­ri­enced staff will be hap­py to answer any ques­tions you may have or help you find the spe­cial piece you’re look­ing for. And, remem­ber, our hand-loomed wool coast­ers make won­der­ful gifts for your­self or a spe­cial friend.

You can call direct­ly at 575–758-3065 or 1–800-748‑1756 or email us at